Last updated on May 2nd, 2022 at 02:28 pm
Reading Time: 5 minutesA Journey by train carries countless hidden stories inside those 4 words & 15 characters.
Train travel holds a feeling!
A delight to some and a nightmare to others,
Some stories spread, and others don’t.
Here you all are, blessed to hear the untold tale.
How can I forget the number of hours,
That was 10 hours of torture, but it seemed like 10 years.
An unusual train #suffer!
The train assuredly announces a convenient plus comfortable journey with family and friends, even solo.
Table turn, the unreserved seat certified as a nightmare.
You must have heard about the joyful experience of train travel from multiple passengers. But, I would like you to accompany me on an unreserved coach journey.
Don’t worry; you have the reserved seats to see the train show.
Plus, this journey remains to develop a long-term memory and perspective that you’ll enjoy reading and will love to tell others, haha!
Let’s depart,
Table of Contents
A Journey by Train
Before commencing the train journey from Jammu,
I was traveling from Srinagar to Jammu in a shared vehicle.
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On the route to Jammu, I questioned the taxi driver concerning the choices available to travel from Jammu to Delhi.
The taxi driver immediately replied that if you want to travel on the same day, formally the train would remain the most suitable choice.
I pronto confirmed him to drop me at the Jammu railway station.
On reaching, I stood in a small queue outside the ticket counter.
Unreserved coach train tickets were available on inquiry. The cost of which was Rs 190 per person.
Without knowing what that coach was regarding, I immediately acquired the ticket and proceeded towards the train. I stayed happy, considering that at least I got the ticket.
With the belief that I own the ticket, I can travel comfortably. Despite if it would be a sitting adventure.
The train had already arrived on the platform; some officials answered.
I ran towards the train, thinking I would get a seat to sit in the coach. But, while going, I thought, how can anyone not get a seat in the coach.
I ran towards the train, thinking I would clearly get a seat to sit in the coach. While going, I thought, how can anyone not get a seat in the coach…
There would undoubtedly be a seat that would expect me to relax my buttocks for the entire journey.
Finally, I saw the train + I had the ticket. As a result, it would be a hassle-free journey.

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Upon entering the coach,
Unreserved Coach
The coach was already loaded. So it would be entirely appropriate to say overloaded.
Soon, I understood that Unreserved coach is on a first-come, first-serve cornerstone.
My question of how can anyone will not get a seat in the coach? It’s answered by myself.
Suppose you have an unreserved coach ticket. However, it is uncertain whether the seat will remain available or not.

The exclusive option would be to stand or sit on the floor if not. Because why would someone adjust for you all night? The person got the seat in the coach first. Hence it is justified.
At that point, I whispered that it would be a long night.
I kept the bag on the floor near the doorway and sat there.
Shortly, there remained no place to sit comfortably on the floor.
The floor got crowded too!
The train proceeded,
Although the situation didn’t change.
The train had just begun, and so did the beginning of the nightmare.
The noise in the coach increased. As a result, I plugged the earphones in.

In addition, it seemed that it would take about 1 year for 1 hour to pass. Unlike the phone’s battery, it started to drain quickly.
Summary of the night.
Nothing was going my way.
Should something can be done in such a situation?
Mmm, not much unless your phone battery becomes completely drained.
The floor was such packed that I had to stand up several times to relax my feet.
Aye, you read that right. Stand and Relax is an odd combination I learned on a journey by train.
The stand and relax method continued until I finally decided to make room to sit all night comfortably.
And the process of making space began.
I gently started to stretch the legs to place them quickly.
I managed to place, Hurray!
However, the condition of the floor of the overcrowded unreserved coach remained the same throughout the night.
Slowly and steadily, I was striving to fall asleep, but the uproar around was a barrier to fulfilling that.
Whenever the next station was visible from the window, I got a tad excited that there might exist a possibility that someone from this coach could depart. But, most importantly, if anyone sitting near me leaves, it will be a moment of relief.
Although, as I stated earlier,
Nothing was happening on my side!
Nobody was ready to leave. It seemed like everybody would remain a companion forever. Aha! At least till Delhi station.
I didn’t sleep the whole night.
Shortly, the phone battery left me & eventually, the earphones went inside the pocket.
I was all alone, With the people unknown. No sign of sleep, The previous night, I dreamt of Lakshwadeep. Crowded night, What should I further write? A Journey by Train, I would take that again.
Life is unquestionably a longer journey than train travel. You have to pass every hindrance to reach someplace.
Thus the night passed alone, looking at the sleepy faces of the unknown.
Even the slightest sound wakes me up.
Someday I should acquire the art of sleeping in crowded places. Delhi Rajiv Chowk Metro Station might be one of those places where you can find me trying.
Omen of 101!
Train Nearing the Destination
I was conscious and could see sunlight entering through the train’s windows.
Even the sun arrived, though the destination was still a few hours away.
TT did not enter the unreserved coach to check the ticket throughout the journey.
It’s worth noting, MY LORD!
Some people got off the train at the station.

I stood up and felt like I had been sitting for years.
Relief moment!
New Delhi station was nearby, but suddenly, people entered the coach.
The unreserved coach doesn’t look good if God’s grace does not overload it!
They appeared like nearby occupants, who came daily to travel at short intervals.
Within some time,
The train reached the New Delhi station.
I got off the train and glanced at the unreserved compartment.
What a nightmare it was!
It was an unusual experience, although I even learned.
I need to work on the art of being flexible and sleeping in a crowded place.
That’s it, from a journey by train.
Now, I would like to know that have you ever traveled in unreserved train coach before? Was that a nightmare or even worse?
I really wish I could the whole post on reader it self and didn’t have to shift to the site because it becomes convenient.
I don’t know Khushi, is such a thing exist for WordPress?
No I mean in your posts only 1st para is visible then the link to the full post is given..
If you didn’t want this you can change it in settings
Okay, is it! I could not find anywhere
I might be the appearance section..
You can access your own site in the the reader and you’ll know what I mean.
Yeah, got it!
I have made the changes, now you can read from the readers tab also. Thanks for mentioning!
Yea no problem!!
I love travelling by train so very exciting & enjoyable, Vansh dear ?!
Yes sir! Travelling by train is enjoyable. In that case, I hope you must have loved today’s post!
Not only did I enjoy your beautiful post but also the lively view of the railway station posted by you!
Yeah, I shot that and presented it in the form of a comic so that it could be more understandable and the reader should get to read from a different perspective!
Ya, you were quite successful in your endeavour?
HAHA, yeah!
Train journey is less about journey and more about experience, exploring yourself and … poetry ✨✨?️?
Wonderful! ?
very nice
Thank you very much!