Last updated on November 17th, 2023 at 07:23 am

Reading Time: 7 minutes

You might have heard the word Web Stories before; oops — pause. Do I mean Instagram Stories?

Umm, I agree that both Instagram Stories and Web Stories come in the same type of Visual storytelling platforms.

But, both have distinct planets, their parameters — Instagram planet and Web planet.

Let me briefly finish my thirst for Instagram stories and then jump to express Web stories in the entire article.

Instagram Stories

When you upload media to the Instagram stories, you share your tale on a social platform — individuals accessing Instagram can view your story. Aye, followers! Additionally, the story disappears after 24hrs.

That’s basic; I am confident you’re a specialist in using Instagram.

Meanwhile, let me promote myself, so here’s my Instagram page. You will find travel-related tales there.

Further, let’s see in detail regarding Web Stories — that would be pretty unexplored for you.

What are Web Stories?

Google Web Stories was launched to reach the web audience through modern visual storytelling from new-gen creators.

That appears the same as Instagram Stories; mainly tap and see the following story.

Unlike Instagram, Web Stories stay on the open web for a long time —until it meets the users’ interests. After that, however, it will remain on your website as long as you want.


Where do Google Web Stories Appear?

Web Stories appears on the Mobile Google Discover feed. Though, not meant for the Desktops.

You can reach the discover feed in the following ways:

  • First, scroll down to the bottom and click Discover when you tend to search for something.
Discover in the Bottom
  • Click on the Discover icon in the bottom left on a search query page.
Discover on Search Query Page

From there, you can straightforwardly locate the web stories.

Why Should You Care About Creating Web Stories?

In addition to writing articles, Google Web Stories is a fantastic medium to express yourself wholeheartedly and reach a wider audience.

Furthermore, Web Stories bring quick traffic to your site; let me correct; indeed, many visitors in a short period. Excitingly, You would say Wuhuu but remain consistent!

Similarly, I published a Web Story, Jodhpur Blue City – It’s More than Blue, and it brought 67,256 views till now and counting.

Jodhpur Web Story Stats
Jodhpur Blue City Story Stats

I am sure that number powerfully conveys why creating a Web Story also matters alongside publishing articles.

Examples of Google Web Stories

You can see some examples of Google Web Stories that I have published.

How to Create These Stories in WordPress?

There are different tools to create Web Stories that will appear on Google.

However, Google recommends some popular tools that you can use to create that:

  1. Web Stories for WordPress Plugin
  2. MakeStories
  3. Newsroom AI

You can pick anyone between Web Stories or the MakeStories plugin for use.

Otherwise, you can sign up on the Newsroom AI website and build there.

Further, I will take you through to create Google Web Stories using the WordPress plugin.

Steps to Activate the Web Stories Plugin on Your WordPress Site

  • Login to your WordPress
  • Go to Plugins and add a New Plugin
Plugin - Add New Plugin
Add New PLugin
  • Search Web Stories
Search Web Stories
  • Install and Activate That

Know WordPress Stories Dashboard

Using Templates V/s Creating from Scratch

Using Templates Blank Canvas - Starting from Scratch

I prefer commencing from scratch.

However, you can view the templates and get an idea initially. Precisely, I used to do ditto.

Moreover, when you begin from scratch — It show’s your thought process, concept, and originality; honestly, you feel confident moving further.

There’s also a benefit when you start from scratch; you can save your designed templates and use them whenever you want — Eventually, that will keep your time and maintain originality.

Web Stories Dashboard

When you start practicing, you will get habitual with the dashboard.


To satisfy my hunger, let’s explore it in detail.

— You will see a blank canvas in front.

The left-hand side has all the ingredients to meet your hunger for creating Web Stories.

For example:

  1. Media – Your Uploaded media
  2. Third-Party Media – Use can use Media from third-party sites
  3. Text – To write regarding page story
  4. Shapes and Stickers – To bring innovation to your design
  5. Page Templates – Pre-designed templates

Whereas the right-hand side includes the designing stuff,

For example:

  1. Page Background: The media file — When uploading a video, upload the captions.
  2. Filters: To add creativeness to your media
  3. Animation: To create a WOW factor in the ingredients
  4. Accessibility: Adding a description to your uploaded media
  5. Page Attachment: A Swipe-up feature for additional read
  6. Page Background Audio: Audio for a particular page.

Document Section

The Document section is essential because that is the final step before publishing.

There, you will notice:

  • Public – Visible to Everyone
  • Private – Visible to Site Admins and Editors Only
  • Password Protected – Visible only to those with the Password

I can’t find any reason for keeping the visibility confidential and password protected.

Though, being visible to everyone remains my goal.

  • Publishing Date and Time – You can also set the publishing date and time and schedule for the future.
  • Author Name – Using an Author name genuinely becomes vital as the name generates credibility on the web. So, don’t use any misleading Author names.
Poster Image 
  • The poster image must be of precise dimension, 640 by 853 pixels.

If you upload anything smaller or larger than that, it will automatically become cropped and adjusted to match that required dimension.

Hence, you can first set the Web Story poster image according to the dimensions on the canva tool. 

The Publisher logo is equally noteworthy as the Author’s name.

Let suppose,

  • An individual is scrolling the Google discover feed and sees a publisher logo of BMW; the viewer will perceive that Web Story has stunning cars.
  • Therefore, a publisher logo of 96 by 96 pixels remains required.

I am confident you understand my point of view.

Story Description 
  • It would be best to brief the Web Story created in about 200 characters in the story description.

; Web Stories with a description tend to do nicely on the Google search and have a wider reach.

It would help if you kept the permalink as informative as possible.

Page Advancement

Unlike Instagram, In Web Stories, you can choose whether you want Auto Advancement or Manual Advancement.

  • Auto Advancement: You can set the duration in seconds.
  • Manual Advancement: The viewer must tap on the story to visit the next page.

Instagram has Auto Advancement without the control in duration.

Background Audio

You can upload a Background Audio that plays throughout the story.

I prefer recording a voiceover for the Web Story. You can see it here.

  • Categories and Tags,


That was an overview of the entire Web Story Dashboard, from left to right, up to down, and center.

Let’s See the Stories Creation

Click on Create New Stories

Create a Story
Create New Stories

When clicked, you land on a blank canvas.

Blank Canvas
Blank Canvas

Think of a Topic that You Want to Build the Web Story Around

For example,

If you’re a Fashion Blogger, you can create web stories on — 10 Fashion Trends to Follow for 2022.

If you’re a Food Blogger, you can create web stories — The step-by-step process of making the Pancake. (Share that story with me if you make it, Yummy!).

Thus, you can create according to your interests.

Likewise, I recently created 10 photo ideas for the ‘gram.

Undoubtedly, the First Page is Substantial 

10 Photo Ideas for the Instagram
First Page is Substantial

Following, you can give the first page a story title; it will indicate to the viewers — what to expect when they progress by taping.

Keep the title short and meaningful.

Note – But don’t stylize anything on the poster image. Indeed, keep that as simple as possible.

The poster will appear below on Google discover, along with the title that you provide –

Web Story Appearing on the Google Example
Stories on Google

Allow your Originality to Flow in the Remaining Pages

And for the rest of the pages, you can create your design, stylize texts, and let your originality and creativeness flow.

You can even take the elements from the templates and add them to your creation.

Use Swipe Up Effectively

You don’t need 1000’s followers to enable a swipe up for Web Stories.

Please forget all the Instagram parameters. Okay, for at least when accessing Web Stories!

Though, you have to use the swipe up effectively.

For example,

  • You formed a story page regarding Pancake Ingredients, and you further want to explain the directions to use.
  • Thus, you can create a blog explaining those directions in particular. Additionally, attach that blog link to the story swipe up. For example, in the screenshot below –
Directions to Use Story Example
Swipe Up Feature

Use Captivating Fonts

It would help to use beautiful fonts and experiment with the text which font looks the best.

Hence, you can consider Google fonts.

Add Videos

Video will entertain the viewers.

Additionally, upload the subtitles if the video contains the audio because, generally, the volume remains muted when someone views the Web Story.

Though, the subtitle can directly indicate that the video has audio too.

I fancy doing the voiceover in Hindi.

Using Videos in Web Story
Add Videos with Captions

Ultimately, the viewer can unmute and listen to the audio while simultaneously viewing the video.

Utilize the Last Page of the Story 

However, you can create as many story pages as you like, but you need to end somewhere.

  • Thus, you can direct the viewers to view other stories from you on the last page.

Likewise, I have created the last story page, which you can see below.

Utilize the Last Page of the Story
Utilize the Last Page of the Story

That brings me to an end.

I hope I have helped provide you with the Google Web Stories learning.

Please subscribe to my blog via email to receive updates to your inbox.

Furthermore, after leaving this article, I can assume that the first thing you will do is create a Web Story. Correct me if I expressed wrong?

About Author

Vansh Tiwari is a passionate traveler who explores every corner. Then, he presents his vision in images and writing. Further, he loves long walks along the roadside!

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