Last updated on May 20th, 2021 at 04:37 pm

Reading Time: 6 minutes

I am 23 right now and I took my first solo travel at the age of 21 and after that, there’s no stopping but are you still wondering what’s the best age to start solo travel.

This is not a big deal; the big deal is to step out into the world and experience the world from your perspective.

The school kids who landed on this article by searching – why the heck I can’t travel solo because I am not in the ’20s?

Dude you can, I had met 16 years old mature guy and the knowledge of surroundings he is having at that age is mind-blowing and the same guy turned out to be a brother of a person I met somewhere. Two known heads are meant to be banged when they step out, small world. These few lines just told that the best age to start solo travel can be lower than the ’20s too.

Lexie Alford at the age of 21 became the youngest to travel to every country. An epic example who has broken all the barriers of saying a ‘perfect age’.

We will now start “The best age to start solo travel” but before –

What is Solo Traveling

What is an opportunity here?

The opportunity of making your presence felt, the opportunity of creating an impact in the world, the opportunity of taking decisions, the opportunity of involving in the stories of others.

That’s a travel opportunity for me and I try to make my every minute count.

What is Solo Travel for you, let me know in the comment section?

Why the ’20s is the Best Age to Start Solo Trip?

My Solo Travel Trip in Kashmir
My Solo Travel Trip in Kashmir


1. Young Blood

The Youngblood is more agile and the curiosity to discover and explore at the 20’s age is towards maturity.

If you direct your mind in favor of Travel: the symptoms it shows to ourselves, other well beings will be more balanced.

This line was not written in any book, anything I discuss here is more of experience talking.

2. Makes you Independent at an early age

Everybody becomes Independent at certain stages of life but solo travel and that too in the early ’20s makes you Independent before the actual age.

Depending upon yourselves right from the word go is among the major trait’s solo travel provides.

Let’s discuss this with an example – Suppose you are on a solo trip to a certain place and all you want to do is; take the control of your solo travel.

That’s it go ahead and make the move – If you want to wake early then woke up, if you want to explore on foot then the way is all yours if you want to spend some time with the locals then no one can stop you.


3. Introduce yourself to the world

If you are at a party and you got introduced to the person who has hosted the party towards the end or when you are leaving. What will you think?

Is this a not so important person, right.

The same goes here, the early the better.

Also Read, 10 Best and Worst Things about Travel Blogging

4. Solo Travel will give you a new direction

Not only in terms of mental impact but traveling alone will also give a goal-oriented approach.


It will discover the possible ways which fascinate you like Photography, Videography, Travel agent, Travel operator, and many more.

At the very start, it will strike you that yeah this is interesting and I would like to take this and work upon it to present it my way.

5. Open ways to save

Travel will be going to open the ways to discover the world and i.e. will make you save.

Yes, you read it right, Solo Travel will make you save.

It will generate curiosity in you that a certain place made this impact and god knows what impact other places will be going to bring.

God doesn’t know, you will create by yourself.

Also Read, How to Travel Every Month in 2019 and Beyond

Why Travelling alone is Important at least once in a lifetime?

Once in a lifetime because to gain exposure and face the circumstances on your own.

What kind of circumstances?

Suppose you’re stuck in a situation like –

You are an Introvert and traveling to a place full of strangers with nothing to do rather than telling yourself to open up. I hope you got this example.

Now you have only one thing to do, let your inner self get out and engage with the strangers to get insights into the place you are traveling, which will ultimately help you to calm down as an Introvert and take balanced decisions.

How to Plan your first Solo Travel?

I already did 6 Solo Trip this year, i.e. considers myself liable to answer this question.

First Solo Trip brings excitement as well as a healthy tension that how it’s going to be like, what I am supposed to do alone and what if I started getting bored and stuffs like that.

But you’ll only be going to overcome these by only facing them.

1. Make your first move

Start planning with packing and what medium you will be choosing to travel. This will solve 30% of your fear of traveling alone.

Check what’s the condition of the place in terms of weather, any necessary medicine you’ll going to require, and whether you are going to choose public transport or hire a private vehicle for a day. This will give your trip a well-planned start.

2. Accuracy in time

Being accurate or committed with your time will always going to give you an edge to utilize the time properly.

Suppose – planning at night that what needed to be done the next day and sticking with the plan is a good example of accuracy.

3. Whether that particular place is safe to Travel alone

How to get to know if that particular place is safe to travel solo?

Social media plays an important role in this part – You can search for the place you are visiting on Facebook

Search on Facebook for the place you are willing to solo travel
Example searching on facebook – New Delhi

or Instagram

You can search on Instagram for the place you are willing to solo travel
Example searching on Instagram – New Delhi

Can also check the very recent images and that will give you an idea of what people are saying and background idea and even can talk to them by sending a direct message to know the experience and what problems they have faced.

With so many benefits and continuous up-gradation of technology, nowhere is out of reach from human feet.

Also Read, Why Traveling Solo proved to be your best decision 

How to feel comfortable and Travel freely in the ’20s

It all starts with a change in ourselves and our behavior towards the environment and surroundings.

A happy and smiling face can make a bad day and a positive response or attitude can make a soul smile.

Being in the ’20s fills us with the raw behavior and if we can convert it into healthy behavior then we can create a difference in our environment and likewise feel comfortable traveling around anywhere in the world.

We just need to keep our perspective/attitude right towards our surroundings and rest everything will fall on the place.


The ’20s is the best age to Start Solo Travel if you ask me and there’s no doubt that if you are men solo traveler or a woman solo traveler difficulties are bound to arise and if you face the circumstances, the solution finds its way to help you out.

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Until then keep traveling and make stories.

About Author

Vansh Tiwari is a passionate traveler who explores every corner. Then, he presents his vision in images and writing. Further, he loves long walks along the roadside!

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