Last updated on May 20th, 2021 at 04:39 pm

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The most difficult part about traveling is to safe for a weekend trip.

The majority of us end up spending more than the expected amount and that leads to an imbalance of what could have been done within that much amount only.

I also try these ways to save for the weekend trip and it works well for me.

5 Terrific Ways to Save for Your Weekend Trips

1. Go Homemade

Go Homemade if you want to save for weekend trips

Saving starts at home.

Most of the amount spent is on food and clothes. Then why we are not willing to take the extra effort of making the homemade food and what else will happen if we had not bought new cloth say for a month.


If you want to save for a weekend trip there some sought of sacrifice requires from your side and that will be worth it.

Trust me.

People say it’s just a matter of 5$-10$. But, my friend that 5$-10$ will make a difference here to decide whether the expenses are going to be under limits or over budget.

Going homemade is a super effort and you will feel better at the end of the day when you see that you had saved a lot.

These are some of the products you can make at home to save money.

2. Collect separately for travels

Travel Piggy Bank to save for weekend trips

Yes, this works. It’s more like a piggy bank kinda thing but you will be surprised with the results if you plan properly.

Every penny counts here and will make everything under control.

Start collecting every penny you save while buying groceries, money saved from bus travel, or other expenses. Make a separate cupboard for Travel, and start putting the money saved from other expenses there.

At the end of every week, you will see a reasonable amount of money collected and that’s where further planning begins.

Also Read, Shrewdest way of saving money while traveling.

3. Make a list

make a list

Make a list of your spending. Try to reduce a few dollars and it will ultimately be added to the travel plans.
For Ex-

  1. If you are spending 7$-8$ on food = Make it to 4$-5%.
  2. Likewise, 20$-25$on clothes – Make it to less than 15$.

Then, add the saved money to your travel list and jot down what extra things can be done with this amount.

If the old-fashioned list is prepared in an interesting way it will add value. These small things can take your travel to the next level.

4. App usage

app usage

Use apps that give cash back.

It’s not that much of relief but as I told before every penny matter.

For e.x- when you go to a restaurant pay using Paytm etc. you will get a certain amount of cashback that you can use for another use.

These apps help to utilize the money effectively and you can smartly plan your travel. Now, almost anything can be done over the internet and you can also book your weekend trips at a low cost.

Say, the travel companies charge low for a group of 5-6 members as compared to the 1-2 members. You might have noticed this many times.

5. Pre-Plan

One of the best and effective is to go pre-planned to save for the weekend trip.

All the things automatically fall into a perfect place if you go pre-planned. The majority of the people don’t consider this but it is best to consider it in the first place.

Pre Plan – Look for alternatives – Execute the plan – Control the Actions.
These are the steps that will work like a pro if the complete focus is on a particular thing, in this case, it’s weekend travel.

Hope you liked my writing, follow me for interesting updates.

About Author

Vansh Tiwari is a passionate traveler who explores every corner. Then, he presents his vision in images and writing. Further, he loves long walks along the roadside!


  1. Definitely agree that it is the little bits of money spent that adds up, I’m making an effort to not spend so much on the little things such as buying a snack whilst I’m out and instead taking my own. Great post 🙂

    – Charlotte /

  2. I love the idea of setting aside money separately for travel. Budgeting is everything. A little bit here and there always adds up in the end!

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